All I Want for Christmas is You

I am sure that when several of you saw the title of this blog post your mind instantly began to run through the lyrics and melodies associated with the Mariah Carey Christmas song.  I will admit that I spent some memorable times singing along with the catchy tune while sipping hot apple cider and creating handmade ornaments for the modest tree that my college roomie and I faithfully decorated each year.  However, this title was inspired by one of my latest finds on ETSY...a Christmas ornament with the words and the shape of Africa with a heart over Ethiopia in the background.  This truly embodies all that we want for Christmas...we long for the day when we will hold our son in our arms. 

Over the next week or two we are finalizing our dossier...I procrastinated on the photo pages and luckily was able to use the Thanksgiving holiday to get the family shots that I needed...and, Lord willing, it will be on its way to Ethiopia before Christmas.  Then we wait...

I know that there is a reason for this 2-3 year paper pregnancy.  It has already been nine months since we started the process of adoption.  Recently I have been far too preoccupied with wanting the wait to be over that I failed to realize the tremendous opportunity that God has given us through this wait.  We have been given this time for a reason and I am becoming more and more excited to see how God is going to use us while we wait.  I know that there is a plan for this time.  Sarah and Abraham waited for their child far longer than they ever anticipated and yet God used their son to bring forth the genealogy that would lead to the birth of Christ.  God's timing is perfect...God's plan is perfect. 

All I want for Christmas is to love God and serve others.  I will rejoice on the day that God chooses to bring our son home and I will rejoice every day that we wait.  Blessed be the name of the Lord. 



  1. This right here, is why I love you.


  2. Prayerfully waiting with you in anticipation of that joyous day when you, Mike and your baby boy will be united and become a family! Blessed be the name of the Lord!!

  3. so sweet! I love that ornamant and *love* the memories of our dorm room during the holidays - always warm and cozy and festive! can't wait for the day when the Lord blesses your patience and hard work with the most wonderful completion to your family!!! love ya! steph


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